Final Video


Magazine Advertisement

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Video Ending

After watching our latest draft of our video (above) we realised we needed a very quick, sharp ending to round off the video so it did not become tedious to watch.

After gaining audience feedback (in the above post), we realised everyone had different interpretations of the relationship between the two characters.

Every person who watched the video wanted a different ending. After realising this we thought to not conclude our video very clearly as some people would be disappointed that their interpretation was not right.

We began to watch music videos to gain ideas for what we could film. We decided a narrative ending would be too much going on in the video too, so when we found Marina & the Diamonds' video for 'I am Not a Robot' we thought of a similar technique of her face paint;

Because we wanted something fast paced we decided to write lyrics from the song "shes always looking at me" on me, so that they appear when they are said in the song;

We wanted something a bit more extreme looking too so similar to Marina & the Diamonds' video we decided to rub off the paint;

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Album Advertisement

Here is my first album advertisement using red, black and white similar to my album cover, I think this cover is too similar to the digipak as it is the same image used twice. This advertisement was inspired by The Vaccines album cover for their album 'What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?' Here is my second design, I prefer this because it is not repetitive and uses a similar colour theme to the digipak. However it is not the same image but is of the same subject which the audience may associate with 'The Mags'.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

3 Way Split Screen Research

Due to our school's internet filtering we often find it hard to research Final Cut Express tips as they are often found on social networking forums which are nearly always blocked. So I googled '3 way split screen on final cut express' and I have found a results which are all internet forums. Here are a few solutions suggested by members of these forums;

I have also found this video, not entirely sure if its what we are looking for but we can give it a go whilst editing;

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Uploading Filming from Saturday

Our filming on Saturday went to plan and is currently uploading onto the mac from our flip camera!

Friday, 11 March 2011

Melting Heart Ice Cubs

When trying to increase the speed of our ice hearts we found that on iMovie we could only increase the speed by 400% which meant the ice took 7 minutes to melt when the video was viewed. We decided to use Final Cut Express to increase the speed as on this program speed can be increased by 100,000%, we finally increased to speed to around 90,000% and here is our end result which I am very happy with. We forgot to mute the sound unfortunately so there is a funny sounding noise from the speed editing. We have muted the clip since inserting it in our video

We have also put the ice hearts into our full music video here, however we have noticed when uploading our video to YouTube it becomes out of time, we will research into this as soon as possible. We have also inserted opening credits at the beginning of our video. Here it is;

And finally here is a quick video filmed by Aimie while we were editing on Final Cut Express which shows a few issues we managed to solve. It is quite funny but also shows us editing;

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Plans to film.. Again

Quick update to say that we are filming the last part of our music video this Saturday. It will be the split screen part where the couple are arguing and fighting similar to the Blink-182 video for 'Always' that I have previously posted.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Prezi for our ice hearts

For a different way of presenting our photo's we decided to make a prezi on our next part of filming;